Evolving Port

Port Melbourne and Fishermans Bend change. Houses are changed or demolished and new forms of housing take their place. Port Houses records some of these changes.

18 December 2023

103 Beach St, Port Melbourne

formerly The Beacon Cove Foodstore

December 2023

103 Beach St status update December 2023

March 2023

Construction underway at 103 Beach St. 

piling at 103 Beach St, March 2023

December 2022

Agreement was reached between the developer, City of Port Phillip (Council) and other parties at a VCAT compulsory conference last week.

The development has been approved without the sixth level (a roof terrace), and with levels 3 and 4 shifted east by 0.5m and no western terrace on level 3.

November 2022

The developer has decided to appeal the City of Port Phillip’s approval granted on 28 July 2022.

The developer is contesting many of the conditions Council attached to the planning approval and suggesting amendments to others. The conditions being contested include:

  • A requirement for design methods to slow the speed of cyclists.
  • The setbacks of a minimum of five metres from the eastern and western boundaries for levels 3 and 4.
  • The requirement to provide a second entrance to the supermarket on the southern side.
  • The deletion of the sixth level (a roof terrace) and lowering of the height of the building.
  • The requirement that the entrance to the apartments be from Beach Street.
  • Design of basement ramp in relation to on-site waste collection.
VCAT has scheduled a compulsory conference for 7 December 2022 and a Hearing in March 2023.

September 2022

Demolition of the building was undertaken by MANN Group, and completed on 3 September.

Demolition by MANN Group, September 2022

July 2022

At the Port Phillip Council planning meeting on 28 July, the officer recommendation was to approve the application for an amendment to the already approved permit.

Cr Cunsolo moved that the amendment be refused. She was supported by fellow Gateway Ward councillors Marcus Pearl and Peter Martin but the motion was defeated.

She then proposed a second motion to delete the roof terraces, as follows: 

"Delete the roof terraces and associated stair access from top level units, delete central stair to roof, and minimise lift overrun, the highest parapet reduced to RL 22.5 around plant equipment in the centre of the roof. A roof access hatch to access services is allowed." (condition ii)

That change was supported and passed. 

It is unclear at this time what the response of the developer, Luxcon, will be. 

Mirvac's support for a variation to the covenant in place is also required. 

(refer to Port Phillip Planning Committee unconfirmed minutes 28 July 2022)

March 2022

Luxcon have applied for an amendment to their planning permit. The amendment proposes an increase from 12 to 22 residential units, the addition of another storey to 5 levels,  and to 794 sq m of retail space and the reorientation of the pedestrian entrance.

The number of car parking spaces would increase from 30 to 51 and bicycle spaces from 24 to 46.

The City of Port Phillip is assessing the amendment application. 

October 2021

103 Beach St, October 2021

Branding for Pier 103 Waterfront Residences wraps around the former Beacon Cove foodstore.

September 2021

A hoarding has been placed around the building while the developer prepares revised plans to put to Port Phillip Council. Carr architects have been engaged to prepare the revised design. 

The hoarding has since been defaced with anti-vaccination, anti-lockdown graffiti.

103 Beach St, September 2021

July 2021

The site has been purchased by Sydney-based developer Ilya Melnikoff for $16.65 million. This will be only their second project in Melbourne - the first being in Albert St, East Melbourne.

The 1400 sq m site was acquired from Melbourne developer V-Leader, which paid $11.2 million for it in 2017.

The development will be re-branded as Pier 103 Waterfront Residences. 

April 2020

The last trading day for the IGA Beacon Cove Foodstore was 3 April 2020.

Beacon Cove Foodstore, April 2020
November 2019

VCAT issued  planning permit 673/2015 on 6 February 2017. The permit allowed for the construction of a three storey building containing a supermarket and restaurant at ground level and 14 dwellings above and a reduction of the car parking and loading bay requirements.

An amendment to that permit was sought. It proposed the addition of an extra storey to create a four storey (15.1m high) building, the reduction of the number of dwellings (from 14 to 12), rearrangement of the basement car park, modify car parking (including car parking to the north of the site) and reduce the clearance height of the building above the shared path on the eastern side of the site and internal changes.

The City of Port Phillip supported the amendment and a permit with conditions was issued. (see City of Port Phillip planning report 27 November 2019)

The architects for the amended design are  Wood Marsh Architecture, responsible for nearby MINTAlumuna and Beacon. Wood Marsh has its offices in the ground floor of the Beacon building on Beach St.

1 April 2015

The site was purchased for $11 million by Key Infrastructure Australia in December 2014. They plan to demolish it and replace it with a three level 15 unit project.  

The Beacon Cove Foodstore in 2015


Bernard Mandile and the Beacon Cove Foodstore were one and the same. Bernard had Villagio  Delicatessen in Albert Park before being encouraged to be an anchor tenant in emerging Beacon Cove.

Bernard Mandile outside the Beacon Cove Foodstore, December 2010


The Beacon Cove Foodstore under construction c1994 photo Ron Cassano