Fishermans Bend guidelines stand up to the test

The City of Port Phillip refused the application for the demolition of the dwelling at 299 The Boulevard and the construction of a new two storey dwelling. It was then appealed to VCAT who affirmed Council's decision to refuse the application.
Tribunal member Dr Rebecca Leshinsky had 'concerns that the demolition will affect the significance of the heritage place and the construction of the new dwelling will be unsympathetic to the scale and form of the heritage place. She acknowledged that 'the surrounding buildings in The Boulevard have become more diverse over time, with more recent two storey developments'. She was of the view 'that this new diversity in the surrounding buildings should not set a precedent for further removal of significant heritage fabric ... ' and the fact 'that there has been change in the area is indicative that future change to the surrounds must now be carefully monitored to prevent decay of the heritage and neighbourhood character. The 'picking off' of a further existing dwelling through demolition will be detrimental for the preservation of the remaining existing character of the Estate.'
To read more of the decision, click here.