August 2019
The house references shipping containers, I am told.
August 2019 |
June 2016
June 2015
The house at 98 Princes St has been demolished.
June 2015 |
14 January 2015
We last reported on 98 Princes St when the house was sold after Sylvia Gleeson died. Her family operated the eastern kiosk on Station Pier from 1933 to 1971.
It’s about to be woken from its rest with an application to demolish the house to construct a two storey dwelling with a two story garage/studio at the rear. (City of Port Phillip Ref No 588/2014)
A life lived in 98 Princes St
98 Princes St was sold on 4 May 2013. Sylvia Gleeson lived in that house until she died. Her family operated the eastern kiosk on Station Pier from 1933 to 1971. She recalls
"Well, really, it was long hours - you had to be open before the stevedores started work, before seven; and in the summertime you'd be open until 1 or 2 in the morning to pay for your rent during winter, when there wasn't any customers, beachwise.
My father used to push a barrow ... up to the pier five days per week to sell hot pies, sandwiches, chocolate, biscuits, soft drinks, cigarettes and koala bears for travelers and wharf workers, tally clerks. Customs men, at the bottom of the stairs. I used to relieve him for his lunch break - I'd ride up to the pier on my bike and he would ride back to the shop.
When the migrants arrived here after the war, relatives - especially Italian - would buy large blocks of Cadbury chocolate, six or ten at a time, to throw up to the rails of ships where relatives were waiting to come ashore through Customs."
These are just some snippets that Sylvia told in
They Can Carry Me Out: Memories of Port Melbourne.
hey Can Carry Me Out: Memories of Port Melbourne Vintage Port: 'Worth Preserving' 1991 p74/5