Evolving Port

Port Melbourne and Fishermans Bend change. Houses are changed or demolished and new forms of housing take their place. Port Houses records some of these changes.

28 August 2013

74 Nott St, Port Melbourne

April 2016

74 Nott St, April 2016 

April 2016

Approaching completion

2 February 2014


28 August 2013


Houses can be like ill people. They go downhill, and then one day, they're gone.

Every time I walked past this house, it looked more neglected, the garden more overgrown. It had a very nice japonica in the front garden. And then one day, the house had gone.

74 Nott St in 2013

09 August 2013

143 Farrell St, Port Melbourne

8 September 2013

'It was a delight to know you'

Marking the life of George Jeffreys (1934 to 20 July 2013) born and died in this small area of Port Melbourne.

George loved classical music, his bike and sitting in the sun in the front yard of his home.

143 Farrell St, September 2013

05 August 2013

Doesn't the sun shine on postcode 3207?

5 August 2013

Over 1 million Australian homes now have roof top solar systems installed, according to the Climate Commission's recent report: The Critical Decade - Australia's Future - Solar Energy

By the end of June 2013, 96 of those were installed in Port Melbourne, generating 225.752 kw, according to a report by postcode on the Clean Energy Regulator's websiteThat doesn't seem very many or very much for a population of 14,508. Port Melbourne has 8,056 dwellings of which 10% are separate house dwellings (2011 census) 

This suggests we could be doing more in Port to increase the uptake of solar panels. By way of contrast, the great infographics on the Commission's website highlight that Werribee has the highest uptake of solar hot water systems of any postcode.

This Port family reports: 

'We have a 12 panel 3kW system. It came on line in October 2012 and to date we have generated 2152 kWh according to our smart meter! In our last billing period (92 days) we generated 386 kWh and received $119.80 for our solar contribution.'

There are some fantastic resources to assist - suggest the Clean Energy Council as one.

04 August 2013

Do good fences make good neighbour(hood)s? 1

4 August 2013
A feature in Domain (3/8) on front fences prompts a post on front fences in Port Melbourne. In a heritage overlay area, a planning permit is required for a front fence. Some people think that is too onerous. Port Phillip Council provides guidelines for fences in heritage overlay areas to assist. There's a lot to consider in a front fence.
The fence marks the line between private property and the street - the public domain. It can do that in a 'keep out' kind of way, or in a way that creates more of a dialogue between the house and the street.
'Heritage overlay' may suggest picket fences. In one block, I saw some fine contemporary fences and a harsh interpretation of the guidelines. 
contemporary picket fence

harsh and horizontal - fits the house but not the neighbouring houses
pleasing, well suited to the house
Your thoughts?