2 February 2013
Here is Iconica completed. Iconic? You be the judge.
74 Stokes St, Port Melbourne, February 2013 |
8 May 2011
74 Stokes St, Port Melbourne, 8 May 2011 |
This particular decision is a case study of this debate. Council refused the application but it was subsequently approved at VCAT. While I recommend reading the whole Tribunal decision, here are a few key points from the it's decision:
"30. So what does all that [Council's planning policy] mean? We are of the view that the notion of respecting character and maintaining amenity needs to be considered in the context of a site located in an area that is earmarked for growth, tall buildings and as a consequence, more intense development. "Change" of a substantial nature is envisaged in this area. It would be a nonsense to, on one hand, identify this area as being of metropolitan significance and for growth, and then, on the other hand, stifle the significant strategic growth opportunity that it offers by insisting that new development must respond to the low rise character of the traditional housing stock, or to expect that amenity impacts would be the same as those that might be more reasonably be anticipated in other residential areas where there is not the same strategic support for growth. The Tribunal believes that asking for significant change and observance of 'character' is the equivalent of driving a motor car with a foot on the accelerator and brake at the same time." Oakley Property Group Pty Ltd v Port Phillip City Council [2009] VCAT 1609 (12 August 2009)
The development was featured in today's Age Council believed that it could manage this tension, but successive Tribunal decisions have favoured growth in this area over protection.