Evolving Port

Port Melbourne and Fishermans Bend change. Houses are changed or demolished and new forms of housing take their place. Port Houses records some of these changes.

17 March 2019

37 - 47 Thistlethwaite St, South Melbourne

17 March 2019

The possibilities.

for sale: 37-47 Thistlethwaite St


According to Colliers, a local developer has purchased the site for $7,525,000 on behalf of a private owner-occupier following strong interest from multiple bidders. 

The site sold without a permit but with an architect-designed concept plan for an eight-level development of 84 apartments.

22 June 2016

Con Gallin music retailer and vintage guitar collector is selling this site. The site houses a two-level warehouse and office, which act as the support office for music instrument retailer Allans Billy Hyde. Mr Gallin bought the chain from receivers in 2012.

He sold his collection of famous guitars – including those used by the likes of Paul McCartney and Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page – for $1.5 million in 2014. (source Financial Review 10 08 2016)

Colliers is handling the sale by EOI closing 22 July at 3pm. 

The Thistlethwaite Street site last sold for $3.6 million in mid-2007.

  • 1,237m2
  • architect's concept for 84 apartments
  • 3 street frontages

12 March 2019

78 Princes St, Port Melbourne

February 2019

Came across this 1995 photograph of 78 Princes St at the Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society.

The photograph was taken for a dilapidation report undertaken by Mirvac in preparation for the construction of Beacon Cove.

78 Princes St 1995

02 March 2019

86 Princes St, Port Melbourne

February 2019

The site is cleared.

The site at 86 Princes St is cleared 

January 2019

On my morning walk, saw 86 Princes St being deconstructed.

lathe & plaster revealed

Over the past year, it has been gradually disappearing behind vines, signalling that demolition was nigh.

morning of 15 January 2019
A permit was issued on the 22 January 2018 for the demolition of the house and the construction of a three storey dwelling with a two storey garage/studio to the rear of the site. (Application No 552/2017)