Evolving Port

Port Melbourne and Fishermans Bend change. Houses are changed or demolished and new forms of housing take their place. Port Houses records some of these changes.

27 September 2020

153 Clark St, Port Melbourne

September 2020

Looking comfortable in Clark St.

153 Clark St, September 2020

detail, 153 Clark St, September 2020

December 2019

December 2019

153 Clark St is a modern interpretation of the Victorian terrace. Architectural practice Third Skin has been developing sustainable, modular design and delivery systems which have come together in Habitech Systems. This house is an example. The houses are super energy efficient.

Read more about the house, The Modern Victorian, and HabitechSystems.


The house on site was demolished.

source: onthehouse.com.au

20 September 2020

67 - 69 Buckhurst St, South Melbourne

September 2020

Stowe Australia, an electrical contracting group, has sold its head office in Buckhurst St on 23 July for around $6.4 million. The property was constructed by Andor Schwartz in the 1980s. 

The property was purchased by Incore Developments who plan to build a 12 storey office building on the site. (source: Nicole Lindsay, The Age, 19 September)

Stowe has moved to 115 - 117 Salmon St, Port Melbourne.

67 - 69 Buckhurst St, South Melbourne 

December 1983 sold by private treaty for $227k. (source: Domain)  

15 September 2020

118 Bertie St, Port Melbourne

9 September 2020

118 Bertie St, Port Melbourne

The Minister for Planning announced approval of this 20 storey Build to Rent development this week.

The proposal provides for 
  • 165 Build to Rent dwellings, of which 34 dwellings are three-bedroom dwellings – equating to 20% of the dwelling stock.
  • a 6 storey podium form with tower above to a total of 20 storeys 
  • 204 bicycle spaces, 101 car parking spaces, 6 car share spaces and 8 motorcycle spaces.
Architects: Mako architects 

25 September 2019

The planning officer at the City of Port Phillip assesses the application. (Ref: 2014002000-1, Minister for Planning, 3/2014/MPA/A, Council

February 2018

The application was called in by the Minister for Planning

15 December 2017

The permit applicant lodged an application fore review against DELWP for failure to decide the application within 60 statutory days with the Planning List of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)

The planning permit application was made in June 2016.

The property was sold by private treaty in July 2015 for $7.7m (source: Domain)

In 1996 it was sold for $820k. 

2-28 Montague St, 80 Munro St, Fishermans Bend

January 2021

The site is used as a drive through COVID testing site.

entry on Johnson St to COVID testing site, January 2021

9 September 2020

80 Johnson St, a boundary of 2 - 28 Montague St

A 15, 24 and 38 storey development was approved by the Minister for Planning this week.

Developer: Gurner
Architect: Cox architecture

April 2020

The Mazda branding has been removed.

2-28 Montague St from cnr Munro and Montague Sts s/e cnr 21 April 2020

The Fishermans Bend Standing Advisory Committee will conduct a hearing on this application. It will run for 5 days.

The revised application is for three towers of 34, 28 and 26 levels.

26 February 2020

The City of Port Phillip considered the amended application at a meeting on 26 February. Their concerns related to:
  • alignment with the Fishermans Bend Framework
  • the lack of detail on future stages
Reference: http://www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/February-2020-meetingagendas.htm


Applicant: Gurner

Application originally lodged: October 2017 for 3 towers - 1 x 37 storey, 2 x 40 storey comprising 692 dwellings and 916 car parking spaces.


intersection of Montague and Munro Sts, 2015