Evolving Port

Port Melbourne and Fishermans Bend change. Houses are changed or demolished and new forms of housing take their place. Port Houses records some of these changes.

30 January 2016

199 Ross St, Port Melbourne

December 2019

The townhouses are complete and are occupied. The timber garage doors contribute positively to the streetscape.

December 2019
June 2018

The site has been cleared.

June 2018
February 2018

199 Ross St was sold on 12 February for $1,950,000 with approved plans for two townhouses.

April 2016 


The grab rail tells that a person grew old in this house. The garden is unkempt and the house looks weary. The property awaits the outcome of the planning permit process.

Garden inventory

Two roses, two substantial camellias and some decorative palms.

November 2015

'A Classic of its Era'

This home, completed c1972, was in the same hands until it was sold by Greg Hocking at auction on 28 November 2015 for $1,350,000. The property has rear access from the lane behind.

29 January 2016

The story of 154 Farrell St, Port Melbourne

When a new house becomes a home, the starkness softens.

24 January 2011

Why 154 Farrell St has steps up to the front door

154 Farrell St in July 2005 - image David Thompson

In summary:

The Council supported a two level replacement building for 154 Farrell St. It was then referred to Melbourne Water which required an additional 1.2 m in height due to a predicted increase in flood levels. This makes the dwelling seem uncomfortably high in the street.

In more detail:

Port Phillip Council policy requires respect for the scale and form of neighbouring heritage places, but does not prohibit two storey buildings next to single storey buildings. The step of an additonal level from one to two is considered reasonable.
154 Farrell St is located in a Special Building Overlay [SBO] in the Port Phillip Planning Scheme. The SBO refers to areas that are: 'liable to inundation by overland flows from the urban drainage system as determined by, or in consultation with, the floodplain management authority' [extract from the Special Building Overlay 44.05] 
Planning applications in a SBO must be referred* to the floodplain manager - in our case Melbourne Water. Melbourne Water required that the ground level of the building be increased in height by an additional 1.2 m.
This has led to the dwelling looking considerably higher than it would have been as just a two storey building.
*A responsible authority [the Council in this case] 'must give a copy of an application to every person or body that the planning scheme specifies as a referral authority for applications of that kind without delay' 
[cl 55, Planning and Environment Act]

History of Farrell Street

The precinct within which 154 Farrell St lies has been examined and recorded in great detail by researchers Margaret and Graham Bride and David Thompson. The precinct is bounded by Evans/Farrell/Williamstown/Bridge St. The award winning cd History of a Street Precinct can be obtained from the Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society through inquiry at the Assist desk at Port Melbourne Town Hall/Library.

Here is a snippet of the history of 154 Farrell Street

The owner of the house in 1895 was Francis Arthur Hildebrand, born in Prussia in 1833. He married Matilda Potbury whose father was a fisherman in Port Melbourne at that time. They had eight children. He operated the general store, now a brick house, on the north eastern corner of Farrell/Derham St. He later became a civil servant.

Information and photo courtesy of History of a Street Precinct, Port Melbourne Historical and Preservation Society.

28 January 2016

100 Nott St, Port Melbourne

December 2015


March 2015

The Planning Permit Phase 

Planning permit 58/2013/A was approved by the City of Port Phillip on 5 March 2015 for the construction of two double storey dwellings. It follows an earlier approval in 2013.

Planning application 958/2013 lodged on 10 October 2013 for the construction of 2 two storey dwellings.

Architect: John Matyas

30 September 2013 


100 Nott St is a heritage remnant in a mixed streetscape between Liardet and Graham Streets, Port Melbourne. It is not covered by a heritage overlay. Its likely future is foreshadowed by the walls on either side. Early in 2012, I spoke with the elderly owner. He was looking forward to moving to a more modern home closer to his family following the death of his wife. He anticipated the replacement of his house with a development comparable to the ones next door. He regretted that the garden was no longer what it had been when he and his wife were able to maintain it. But he wasn’t regretting the house.

25 January 2016

67 Bridge St, Port Melbourne

A perfect pair
Planning application 845/2015 has been lodged for partial demolition to the rear of the existing dwelling including all outbuildngs and construction of ground and first floor extensions to the rear. (source: City of Port Phillip planning permit register)


24 January 2016

18 Bridge St, Port Melbourne

Planning application 786/2015 was lodged with the City of Port Phillip on 27 July 2015.
The application is for partial demolition, alterations and additions including a double storey extension at the rear of the existing dwelling (facing Bridge St), plus addition of swimming pool.
Demolition of second dwelling to the rear, construction of new three storey dwelling facing laneway.

13 January 2016

172 Liardet St, Port Melbourne

12 January 2016
Yes, it's the same house. Discreet but large addition to the rear.

How about the letter box?

12 January 2016

77 Bay St, Port Melbourne

January 2017

The purpose for which the application was originally made - for childcare - is about to be realised. Matrix Early Learning Centre is inviting registrations of interest for childcare places. The Centre will provide long day care for 90 children aged between 6 weeks to 6 years of age. 

77 Bay St, January 2017

February 2014

The site lies idle, gathering cigarette butts and litter. 

77 Bay St, February 2014

1 September 2012

Council's decision to refuse the application for an eight level apartment development at 77 Bay St was upheld by VCAT. Tribunal member Rundell concluded that 
'[the proposal] would have significant adverse impacts on residents to the south, and invade the privacy of the residents to the west. It would also be a blunt and overwhelming interface to the sensitive heritage interface on its north side, and it also impacts on the Bay Street public domain. ... Access is constrained. I also think it fails to provide adequate car parking on site. ... Finally I think the amenity of most of the apartments would be unacceptable. They would have limited access to daylight, face dismal outlooks and their residents would rely heavily on the amenity of the locality to compensate for the very limited amenity of many of the dwellings.' 
He provides guidance for any future development of the site.
VCAT Ref P1690/2011 decision 9 02 2012
Planning Application No 778/210

15 October 2011

between Bayshore and the four significant heritage buildings

Port Phillip Council has refused the application for 77 Bay St. The proposal is to construct an 8 level building comprising a ground floor level shop facing Bay St with 24 dwellings above. The applicant has lodged an appeal with VCAT. Some of the grounds for refusal include 
  • the height, minimal front setbacks and lack of side setbacks of the proposal, particularly at Levels 4 to 8, would not be site responsive to the neighbourhood and streetscape character of the area, the heritage buildings to the northerly side of the site, or the reasonable amenity and energy efficiency of existing dwellings to the southerly side and rear.
  • the height of levels 4 to 8 would be unreasonable and would overwhelm and not achieve a satisfactory transition in scale between the adjacent heritage buildings to the north and the massing of the 3, 6 and 9 level 'Bayshore' apartments to the south.
  • the height, scale and massing of the proposal would not satisfactorily respond to the existing conditions on adjacent properties and could detrimentally affect the amenity of existing dwellings to both sides and to the rear, and would adversely impact on the streetscape and built form character of the nearly section of Bay St.