12 October 2024
These titles are for sale by allardshelton.
Construction is well advanced on the project. With the new Port Melbourne Secondary School set to open in early 2022, Port Melbourne Primary School about 100m away, and the opening of Woolworths, Fishermans Bend, this is an extremely well located site.
11 March 2018
Construction has begun on the apartments approved in late 2015.
10 December 2016
'12 architect designed town homes' are for sale 'nestled in historic Port Melbourne and on the doorstep of the exciting new Fishermas Bend precincts.'
Graham is 'steeped in history, focussed on the future'.
Architects: Caisson
21 April 2015
The application for 453-457 Graham St was considered by the City of Port Phillip at the Statutory Planning Meeting on 21 April 2015. (P04502014)
Zoning: Commercial 1
Overlays: None
The Council report said
Construction has begun on the apartments approved in late 2015.
March 2018 |
10 December 2016
'12 architect designed town homes' are for sale 'nestled in historic Port Melbourne and on the doorstep of the exciting new Fishermas Bend precincts.'
Graham is 'steeped in history, focussed on the future'.
Architects: Caisson
21 April 2015
The application for 453-457 Graham St was considered by the City of Port Phillip at the Statutory Planning Meeting on 21 April 2015. (P04502014)
Zoning: Commercial 1
Overlays: None
The Council report said
The site is not located within a Heritage Overlay. Therefore the Heritage Policy does not apply to this site. Neither of the adjoining sites on Graham Street nor any site on the western side of Graham Street between Williamstown Road and Walter Street are within a Heritage Overlay. The adjoining properties to the west at 432 Williamstown Road and 59 Crichton Avenue are however located within Heritage Overlay No.2 and are located within Garden City Estate. Given the separation of these sites by the rear laneway and the mid-block location of the development, the building would not impact on the heritage value of these sites. These buildings would continue to be prominent in their respective streetscapes and would not be overwhelmed by the proposed development. Moreover it is considered that the three storey height would be an acceptable graduation in height from these two storey scale buildings. Click here to read the full report.While the Council officer supported the application, it was refused by the Council at the planning meeting. At the subsequent appeal to VCAT, a permit was granted on 1 December 2015.
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