Permit Application P39527
Heritage Victoria has approved a permit for construction of seven integrated towers and buildings ranging in
height from 30 levels to 3 levels surrounding the Robur Tea Building on the north, south and
west elevations, and part demolition, adaptation and conservation of the Robur Tea Building.
Unsympathetic additions will be removed and and the principal
façades will be returned to their original design and historic presentation.
The applicant is required to prepare a heritage management plan and an interpretation plan.
Heritage Victoria is of the opinion that the re-development will enable 'the Robur Tea Building to sit proud in the streetscape and retain
some landmark qualities'.
30 May 2023
Heritage Victoria has refused the proposed redevelopment of the Robur Tea House for the following reasons:
- The construction of seven interconnected towers and buildings ranging in height from 27 to 3 levels would have significant visual impacts on the place. The combined height, number and density of the tower components and their proximity to the Robur Tea Building would cause substantial harm to the cultural heritage significance of the place.
- The Robur Tea Building would be consumed by the proposed development and the ability to understand and appreciate the place as a freestanding landmark building would be lost.
- The proposed demolition works to the north, south and west elevations to allow for access between the Robur Tea Building and the proposed development would have adverse physical impacts on the cultural heritage significance of the place.
- The proposal is based on highest and best use of the place and not the cultural heritage significance of the place. It is considered to be an overdevelopment of the heritage place.
- It has not been demonstrated that economic sustainability via a smaller development with less impact on the cultural heritage significance of the place is not achievable or that refusal would affect the reasonable and economic use of the registered place as commercial office space or any other reasonable use.
- The negative impacts of the proposal outweigh the benefits. The benefits could be achieved with a less intensive level of development.
Heritage Victoria, Reasons for refusal 30 May 2023
August 2022
The City of Melbourne considered the planning application for this site at the meeting of 16 August 2022. (ref TP-2021-345)
The heritage aspects of the proposal will be considered by Heritage Victoria as the Tea House is on the Victorian Heritage Register.
Concurrent with the endorsement of the plans, a Flood Risk Management Plan
to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority and Melbourne Water must be
submitted to and approved by the Responsible Authority and Melbourne Water.
When approved, the Flood Risk Management Plan will be endorsed and will
form part of this permit. audited on anniversary
Architects: SnØhetta
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